Annual Bronco Athletic Stag
Immediate Release
April 22, 2004
As most of you know and received the information earlier in the week about the Annual Bronco Athletic Stag. I would like to add to the information I sent that, Kansas City Chief, and former Bronco, Mar Boerigter is scheduled to attend the Athletic Fundraiser on April 30, 2004. Please attach this information to the release I sent earlier. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office.
Just a reminder:
Annual Bronco Athletic Stag
April 30, 2004
At the Adams County Fairgrounds
8:00 pm start
Food-Spirits-Fun-Raffles-Silent Auction
Items for raffle: (2) 1/2 Sides of Beef
(1) Autographed Football-Mark Boerigter Kansas City Chiefs
(2) 4 Game Tickets-Kansas City Chief w/ Hotel for 2 nights
(2) Round of golf for 3 at Lochland
(1) 2 tickets to a Nebraska Football Game
(1) 4 tickets to the 2004 College World Series
To attend, please contact our athletic office at 402-461-7395 and ask for Jody. Tickets are a cost of $25 each.
Thank you for your help
Troy Katen
Sports Information Director
800 Turner Ave.
April 22, 2004
As most of you know and received the information earlier in the week about the Annual Bronco Athletic Stag. I would like to add to the information I sent that, Kansas City Chief, and former Bronco, Mar Boerigter is scheduled to attend the Athletic Fundraiser on April 30, 2004. Please attach this information to the release I sent earlier. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office.
Just a reminder:
Annual Bronco Athletic Stag
April 30, 2004
At the Adams County Fairgrounds
8:00 pm start
Food-Spirits-Fun-Raffles-Silent Auction
Items for raffle: (2) 1/2 Sides of Beef
(1) Autographed Football-Mark Boerigter Kansas City Chiefs
(2) 4 Game Tickets-Kansas City Chief w/ Hotel for 2 nights
(2) Round of golf for 3 at Lochland
(1) 2 tickets to a Nebraska Football Game
(1) 4 tickets to the 2004 College World Series
To attend, please contact our athletic office at 402-461-7395 and ask for Jody. Tickets are a cost of $25 each.
Thank you for your help
Troy Katen
Sports Information Director
800 Turner Ave.